Everyone’s idea of romance is going to be a little different, but thanks to pop culture, we have a good idea of what we think the gold standard is. I mean, it’s kind of hard to get mad about being taken to a fancy candle-lit dinner, followed by a horse drawn carriage ride in the park, and then a bedroom strewn with rose petals bumping Barry White softly. Sure that’s one idea. But for this cannabis-loving, stressed out, attention and cuddle loving millennial, my perfect date night shares a few similarities and a few key differences. Maybe these can spark some inspiration for how you can treat your lover with my picture perfect Valentine date.

Since Valentine’s Day is on a Thursday this year, I won’t wanting to be getting too crazy, so I won’t be sad to skip the bubbly. Instead, I would like to come home from work to have bae text me that he has a special surprise for me. He would ask to come over because it’s Valentine’s Day, and even though we both know like everything Hallmark touches, has become a silly commercialized practice in capitalism, there isn’t anywhere else he’d rather be (despite spending most evenings with me regardless, it’s still nice to be told).

When he arrives, he’ll be hiding a bag that he says has my surprise, and has me wait in my bedroom while he readies the dining room. With what romantic meal is setting the tone, you ask? Take-out Hawaiian, of course, my absolute favorite. He pulls out the boxes, and DOES light the pretty candles on my dining room table because this is the moment they’ve been waiting for. He tells me to come to the couch, and makes sure I’m wearing my comfiest leggings before he turns on a Valentine’s episode of Bob’s Burgers and reveals a fat blunt packed tightly with lavender kush, the most sensuous strain, in my opinion. We smoke as much of it as we can, then destroy half the food, because our eyes are usually bigger than our stomachs, even high as all heck.

That’s not all though, after dinner, he presents to me a small heart-shaped box that I open to  find some high end cannabis lubricant, which he assures we are about to test out. I give him a heart shaped box in return, with peanut butter cup, high-strength edibles, and some plain Kit Kat bars to go with them, then thank him for all the romancing. We make out on the couch, then scooch to the bedroom, throwing on a Joji playlist and locking the door, then use your imagination. Pretty good night, right? Stay in, eat something tasty, watch something you both love, get real high, and appreciate each other’s company. Sure, there are always interesting restaurants, hikes, weed-catered experiences, and concerts… but more and more, I love to unwind and just BE with my guy. Here’s to hoping we all get exactly what we want on Valentine’s this year!

Posted by:kelseycalef

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